Are You in An Unappreciated Relationship? How to Identify It and What to Do?
When you’re in a relationship, feeling unappreciated can be hurtful. We all deserve to be happy, to have a healthy relationship where love, peace, and respect co-exist. It is true that eventually there will be disagreements, but the ideal is to seek to communicate and solve the challenges and not accept an unappreciated relationship.
Unappreciated relationships are those in which one or both parties are affected by the behaviour and/or attitudes of the other. Here are some situations or actions that can tell you if you are in an unappreciated relationship.
If you recognize any of these experiences in your relationship, seek professional help to see what to do with the problem, a therapist can guide you and accompany you during this difficult time.
How do you know if you are in a relationship where your partner does not appreciate you?
It is possible that you are in an unappreciated relationship and you do not know it, since the dynamics between the couple can happen daily that it becomes normal.
It is important that you know that there are at least three dimensions where an unappreciated relationship can be manifested:
– Control.
– Disrespectful attitudes and conflicts.
– Toxic attitudes in the sexual sphere.
As for the attitudes of control , these are the signs that you should take into account:
– Your partner is annoyed when you spend time with your family and friends, even when they don’t pay enough attention to you
– Excessive control over your personal expenses
– Constantly investigate your social networks and mobile devices, invading your privacy without permission
– Plan your life without consulting you
– They belittle you and insinuates that they are indispensable for your survival
– Presence of emotional blackmail
In relation to the disrespectful attitudes that lead to intense conflicts, they can be observed in many situations:
– When your partner minimizes your problems
– Downplays your achievements
– Forces you to constantly give in in any argument
– Makes you guilty of their problems.
– Often speaks to you in an aggressive tone
– On a sexual level, you can identify that you are in a toxic relationship if you maintain relationships with him or her despite not having desires, just to avoid getting someone upset.
Why do people settle for unappreciated relationships? Discover the causes:
It may seem unusual for a person to want to be in a toxic relationship, yet it happens and is very common. This is due to a series of causes that range from problems of self-esteem, dependency, trauma, insecurity, and fear, among others.
For example, a person may have suffered some trauma that makes them feel that they deserve to be treated in this way. Therefore, continue in the relationship whether conscious or unconscious of what is happening.
Also, sometimes it is difficult to end a relationship in which physical, psychological or emotional abuse is received, due to the presence of fear. However, with the help of a professional , you can get out of a relationship that is not good for you.
Unappreciated relationships prevent the development of personal potential, many people feel comfortable with that because they do not know another way to live or to be loved. Therefore, it is important to stop and think if we suffer more than we enjoy our relationship.
So, it’s a combination of factors that makes us stay in a toxic relationship. However, you should know that you always have the possibility to get out of it and not settle for less than you deserve.
What can you do to break up or get over an unappreciated relationship?
Before making a couple of recommendations, do not ignore that the toxic relationship occurs because one party is willing to abuse verbally or physically, and the other party is willing to put up with it.
Therefore, both parties need help. If the relationship can still be saved because both parties are willing to change, the best solution is to take couples therapy. In this, both will be able to talk with a specialist who will guide and help them.
If the relationship has no salvation because there are aggressive behaviours or one of the parties is not willing to change or does not see the problem, it is best to possibly end that relationship. We deserve to be in a relationship that brings us together, where we feel loved and respected.