I am Michael Arnold, a licensed psychotherapist, licensed mental health counselor in New York, who has been working with people who experience all types of suffering and loss for over 20 years. After completing my BA in Psychology from Marquette University in Milwaukee, I pursued my MA in Counseling and Spiritual Care from Fordham University in NYC (Magna Cum Laude, Jesuit Honor Society). Since then, I completed Complicated Grief Training with The Center for Complicated Grief at Columbia University, NYC.
I have worked on psychiatric units in a New York City hospital, the Samaritans in their suicide prevention services, in End-of-Life care at Cabrini Hospice, in eldercare at The New Jewish Nursing home and in serving the needs of patients on life support at the Henry J. Carter Specialty Hospital.
I have been working on a trauma team that heads out of town to mass violence incidents. I was out in El Paso, Texas after the shooting in August 2019 in a Walmart. I was sent up to Buffalo after racist mass shooting at a grocery store in May 2022.I just recently went to Lewiston, ME in October 2023, in which 18 people were killed in two mass shootings.

I also work with individuals who have been affected by all types of traumas which include sudden and unexpected deaths. This includes suicides, murders, accidental deaths, murder/suicides and cardiac arrests. (Over 700 tragic events to date) This includes being down at the Surfside condominium collapse in June 2021.
My desire is to be there for all individuals who are going through emotionally and psychologically hard times, so that they can get a better understanding of the intense times that have been put across their lives. My goal is to help them to address these events and to guide them to make changes that will make it possible for them to move forward and recreate a life of joy.